1) Operations on strings: Multiple-choice questions [12 points] Be familiar with the following functions and methods on string objects. len() [] and slicing capitalize() count() find() index() join() replace() split() 2) Convert code fragment with "for loop(s)" to a functionally equivalent code that uses "while loop(s)" [4 POINTS] 3) Convert code fragment with "while loop(s)" to a functionally equivalent code that uses "for loop(s)" [4 POINTS] 4) Determine exact output of a program that uses operators "==", "is", and "is not" (these operators are used to check object equality and object identity) [10 POINTS] 5) Operations on lists. Be familiar with the following operations on lists. [10 POINTS] [] and slicing del append extend reverse pop insert remove 6) Write a function that takes a list of strings, performs specified computation, and returns the computed value. [7 POINTS] 7) Write a function that takes a list of numbers, performs specified computation, and returns the computed value. [7 POINTS] 8) Write code for a class with the specified non-public instance attributes and methods (including __init__(), __str__(), and __eq__() methods) [14 POINTS] 9) Functions and Parameter Passing - Determine program output [10 POINTS] 10) True or False Questions [22 POINTS]