ارسال پیشنهاد


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گزارش تخلف

گزارش مالی

پروژه تمرین الکترونیک (83053)

سلام 1. Derive expressions for the a) velocity, b) displacement, c) acceleration and d) acoustic density of a traveling plane wave. (Hints given in class.) 2. Calculate the values for plane wave acoustic specific impedance (rho*c) for a) seawater (you may use any values for nominal room temp and atmospheric temperature), b) Air (nominal room temperature). c) how many times greater is the impedance in seawater than air? d) For the same pressure amplitude (you may assume 1 Pa but no pressure is actually needed) how many times greater would the acoustic displacements in air be than in water? 3. Summarize the difference between what is the acoustic sound speed and the particle speed. 4. Write equation for conservation of mass for a sound wave (continuity equation) and the equation fo conservaton of charge for an electromagnetic wave. (here is a sample reference but you may look up another....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charge_conservation 5. Write the wave equation and its plane wave solution for sound pressure of an acoustic wave. b) repeat for electric field of an electromagnetic wave. What is the sound speed in air? What is the electromagnetic wave speed? نرم افزار نمیخاد tahqiqati nist soale tashrihi e ta farda 8 shab 8-9 Course: acoustic and electromagnetic waves


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