ارسال پیشنهاد


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پروژه پایتون+(52057)

من یک پروژه پایتون دارم میتونید انجام بدید. Python همه چه داخل پی دی آف ها هستش 5 Coding Tasks (80%) • Group 1 tasks (20%) 1. Application that has a working login/logout service 2. Datastore objects that will represent a driver and a team – Drivers should have an Age, Total Pole Positions, Total Race wins, Total points scored, Total world titles, Total Fastest Laps, and the team they drive for. – Teams should have Year founded, Total Pole Positions, Total Race wins, Total Constructors titles, Finishing position in pre- vious season 3. Seperate pages for adding a driver and a team to the database 4. Add in a form to query drivers. It should work on all attributes and should only return drivers that are either equal to or above any of the numerical values entered. it should be possible to search on one or more attributes. • Group 2 tasks (40%) 5. Add in a form to query teams. It should work on all attributes and should only return teams that are either equal to or above any of the numerical values entered. it should be possible to search on one or more attributes. 6. Both query forms should be accessible to logged out users. 7. Each driver should be shown as a hyperlink which when clicked brings the user to a seperate page showing the information for that team or driver. 8. Each team should be shown as a hyperlink which when clicked brings the user to a seperate page showing the information for that team or driver. • Group 3 tasks (60%) 9. Add the ability to edit a driver and update their attributes 10. Add the ability to edit a team and update their attributes 11. add the ability to delete a driver or team from the database 12. add in a seperate page for comparing two drivers against each other • Group 4 tasks (80%) 13. add in a seperate page for comparing two teams against each other 14. For the comparison of drivers show a 2 column table of their stats with the better stat highlighted green. Team should not be compared. Everything except age the higher number should be highlighted. Age should be lower. 15. For the comparison of teams show a 2 column table of their stats with the better stat highlighted green. Everything except finishing position and year the higher number should be highlighted green. For finishing position and year the lower number should be highlighted. 16. UI design: UI that is easy and intuitive to use. • Major bugs (presence of any one of these will be a 12% reduction in mark up to a maximum of 36%) – It is possible to add two drivers with the same name – It is possible to add two teams with the same name – editing a driver edits the wrong driver – editing a team edits the wrong team – deleting a driver deletes the wrong driver – deleting a team deletes the wrong team – it is possible to trigger a compare with 0 or 1 drivers – it is possible to trigger a compare with 0 or 1 teams 5 این متن بالایی در پی دی آف اول هستش.☝️ فقط با فریم ورک های مجاز میشه پروژه رو انجام داد.لطفا مطالعه بشود لیست فریم ورک های مجاز. 3 روز زمان دارم 2564


امتیاز : 0/5

پایتون (python)
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