ارسال پیشنهاد


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گزارش تخلف

گزارش مالی

پروژه تحقیقاتی(51807)

سلام احوال شما من درخواست یک کار تحقیقاتی را داشتم - The activity is individual. - Each student must produce a text of their own with 5 pages on research work in computing, strictly following the academic style. The text must meet the following specifications: Contain title, abstract, introduction, related works, methodological approach and bibliographic references. Follow the SBC format available .Must be written in LaTeX using the free version of Overleaf.. It can be written in English. The topic can be chosen by the student, as long as it is a research work in computing. mention at least 5 works. Submit the PDF exported from Overleaf here in the Classroom by the deadline. The evaluation of the material delivered will take into account the following criteria: - adherence to the academic style (see slides and academic writing manual available); - textual cohesion; - use of images, graphs and/or tables, as discussed in class; - absence of spelling, accentuation and concordance errors; - insertion of bibliographical references; - adequacy to the adopted format (SBC), including the bibliography in the specified standard. As seen in the discipline, the delimitation of the state of the art requires the adoption of a rigorous method for the bibliographic survey. Carrying out this survey requires time that is not available in the discipline. Therefore, for the exercise of academic writing, the student must make assumptions. It is noteworthy that in a real academic work, one can only write from the evidence in the literature or those obtained by other research methods. DISCLAIMER 1. The activity in question aims at the exercise of academic writing. 2. The text to be delivered must be authored by the student. 3. If the student chooses to deliver a text produced prior to this activity (published or not), he must make sure that the text is solely his authorship, ie, no other co-author must have made changes to the delivered text. 4. Submitting a text that has already been published is not a guarantee of full adherence to the academic style and, therefore, may not correspond to the maximum grade. 5. The topic to be chosen by the student may not coincide with his or her current research topic (if any). 6. The professor responsible for the discipline will evaluate the material produced considering its adherence to the academic style. The teacher will not co-author any text produced for this activity. و ده روز وقت دارم 6758


امتیاز : 0/5

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    دسته بندی
  • 18 اسفند 1401تاریخ ثبت
  • 10 روزمهلت اجرا
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