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پروژه اپلیکیشن /(50968)

پروژه به این صورت است که باید یک نرم افزار یا یک اپلیکیشن و یا یک وبسایت نوشته شود با هر زبان برنامه نویسی. که از طریق هوش مصنوعی با توجه به داشتن Dataset و یک الگوریتم ایجاد شده قابلیت text processing داشته باشد و بتواند با داشتن Target که همان forum یک وبسایت میباشد. تحلیل کند و تشخیص دهد که در این فروم برای گروه خاصی از جامعه توهید و تهدید قلمداد میکشد یا خیر و مشخص کند چتد درصد و هایلایت کند" مهندسی نرم افزار اولین گزارش و پلن باید ظرف ده روز دیگر ارائه بشه . کل پروژه دو الی دوماه و نیم دیگه زمان داره GBTQIA+ Inclusivity in Computer Science Higher Education It is well known that diversity, equity and inclusion are key issues to financial performance and also to education. However, there is not a one size-fits-all model that can be applied to every area or subject. For example, the representativeness of minority groups varies a lot from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematic (STEM) to Humanities subjects. Furthermore, as it can be seen from the Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2022, the user demographics show that those learning to code compared to professional developers tend to represent more the LGBTQIA+ community (https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2022/#demographics-gender-learn). This topic is broad on purpose, and you will be challenged to research about LGBTQIA+ inclusivity in Computer Science education, chose a gap of your choice in the literature, formulate research questions, design, implement, compare and assess a solution and a system or algorithm that answer your research questions. For example, you can: Perform a survey to identify through data analysis how LGBTQIA+ students health, wellbeing, engagement and sense of belonging etc. compare to their non-LGBTQIA+ colleagues. Develop an algorithm/tool to analyse (heteronormative/cisnormative) bias in educational content. Develop an algorithm/tool to recognize detrimental, offensive or violent conversations on forums towards LGBTQIA+ people. Create a safe and inclusive system or app for LGBTQIA+ students to connect with each other for support during their studies, for acting as role models/mentors etc. Deliverables - An implemented solution (software), final report and presentation. Depending on the results, they can be considered to be reported as an academic paper that will be submitted to a conference or journal. The student will be involved as a co-author in the process of developing the paper. این هم عنوان و توضیح لاتین پروژه که بهتره توضیح لاتین مطالعه شود.


امتیاز : 0/5

هوش مصنوعی (Artificial intelligence)
نرم افزار
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