ارسال پیشنهاد


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پروژه بهینه سازی(44854)+

سلام روزتون بخیر من چندتا سوال استادم مطرح کردن و گفتن باید جواب بدم خواستم بدونم شما میتونید کمک کنید در خصوص بهینه سازی هست Consider an engineering problem of choice (related to fluid dynamics) that needs to be optimised for at least two competing objectives and at least one strict constraint. There are a large number of possible design variables, the default analysis is costly (say a reasonably resolved RANS simulation), and the time to perform the optimisation is limited. 1. How could a baseline optimisation be set up for this problem? By baseline, we mean that it will give us a solution with improved performance compared with a starting point, but it might not be the global optimum and the speed of the optimisation is not a priority. 2. What path towards improvement would you like to explore in the post-doc project to improve the process, both in terms of reducing the time to perform the optimisation and in getting closer to the global optimum? Note that there’s not a single correct answer, and we do not expect you to do extensive research for this. We’re more interested in your perception of the problem and the ability to speculate about solutions. Could you please write down your thoughts on this, 1-2 pages only. نرم افزار نیست سوال پایه ای هست و فقط گفتن توی یک یا دو صفحه جواب بدید و اینکه تا ۵ شنبهباید جواب این سوالاتو بفرستم +++


امتیاز : 0/5

matlab (متلب)
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    دسته بندی
  • 07 آذر 1401تاریخ ثبت
  • 3 روزمهلت اجرا
  • 100,000 تومانحداقل بودجه
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