ارسال پیشنهاد


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گزارش تخلف

گزارش مالی

پروژه متلب(44642)+

این پروژه با متلب باید نوشته بشه که یک نمونه کد داده شده و مربوط به دکتری فیزیک ماده چگال میباشد و در واقع هاپینگ های شبکه ها متفاوت خواهند بود که این یک نمونه هاپینگ برای یک شبکه رو داده برای نمونه I hope all is well with you. As a reminder, your homework (due next Monday) is: (1) Construct the real space hopping matrix associated with (I) square (II) honeycomb (III) triangular lattices + (optional) (IV) Kagome lattice for 60x60 unit cells. Impose the periodic boundary condition (PBC) along both x and y axes, and tune the chemical potential (for U=0) such that <n_{up}> = <n_{dn}> = 1/2 (per site)). Next, find the spin-density-wave (SDW) mean-field solution for the Hubbard model (U=0.1,0.2,...,6) at half-filling for them. Plot the order parameter vs U. Comment on your finding. Assume T = 1/20 (beta = 20). Compute the average kinetic, interaction and total energy as well. (2) Solve the above problem this time using the effective mean-field Hamiltonian in momentum space (e.g., on the square lattice it becomes block diagonal with 2x2 blocks for each spin for a given momentum). Consider lattices with 200x200 extended unit cells --> 200 distinct kx & 200 distinct ky values). Assume T = 1/20 (beta = 20). Compute the average kinetic, interaction and total energy as well. (3) For the square lattice (at U=0), impose the PBC and tune the chemical potential (mu) such that <n_{up}> = <n_{dn}> = 0.5, 0.45, 0.4, 0.35, respectively. Then, for each chemical potential, solve the superconducting mean-field equations for the Hubbard model at U=-2 for beta = 1/T = 0.5,1,2,3,..,20. Plot the order parameter vs T for each case. (You may solve the mean field equations in real space or momentum space, whichever you prefer better. The system size can be 60x60 (if you go for the first choice) or 200x200 otherwise). Compute the average kinetic, interaction and total energy as well. تاریخ تحویل هم ۹آذر +++


امتیاز : 0/5

matlab (متلب)
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  • 03 آذر 1401تاریخ ثبت
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