ارسال پیشنهاد


تعداد پیشنهاد ها

اشتراک گذاری

گزارش تخلف

گزارش مالی

پروژه متلب(44502)+

سلام عرض ادب پارت دوم پروژه متلب هست که دادن فقط لطفا به زبان انگلیسی باشه فقط در پروژه قبلی یه سری تغییرات ایجاد شد که من خودم درستش کردم لطفا اصلاح پروژه قبلی که براتون ارسال میکنم برای مجری ارسال کنید که اطلاع داشته باشند I want to mention some points for the report and project. 1) For the report, please use the IEEE format for writing the report. You can add the critical parts of your code as an appendix and explain them in your report. 1-2) You should explain your implementation, your assumption, your results, and a sufficient amount of justification for your results. 2) For submission of your project, please pay attention to these points: Your .m files Figures for different scenarios in the format of .JPG. Your report should be in the format of .pdf. All of the above items should be compressed into a .zip file, and you should submit this file only. It is essential to mention that one submission is enough for each group, and your zip file name should include the group member's name and student ID. Submit the zip file on Moodle, and download the submitted file to ensure that submission has occurred. Do not wait until the last minute to submit your project because Moodle may be overloaded, and your submission may fail. Projects sent by email will not be corrected. 3) For the simulation of both parts of this project, I expect results for the Eb/N0 in the 1-12 dB range. 4) For simulation, you should transmit at least 10^7 symbols to have good results for high Eb/N0s. All the best +++


امتیاز : 0/5

matlab (متلب)
فایل ضمیمه

Our report 1.pdf

0.3 مگابایت


2.7 مگابایت

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